About Pala Control
Pala Control Eng. Co was founded in 2004 with the purpose of providing technical and engineering services, supplying, installation and commissioning of field instrumentations and measuring systems. The company benefits from collaborations of reliable overseas companies to supplement its capabilities and technology transfer as required.
An outline of the services and capabilities of the company:

Supply of Instrumentation, control valve, analyzer package, and metering system
With the help of its engineers capabilities and effective relationships with manufacturers and suppliers of reliable European and American products which are acceptable for the customer, Pala Control is capable of supplying instrumentations, control valves, analyzers Packages, Metering systems and bulk materials required in plants and projects with competitive prices and in the shortest time possible.

Installation, precommissioning and commissioning
Pala Control Co. is capable of providing the following services in the field of instrument installation:
- Manufacturing and installing support, installing cable tray, conduits, marshaling panels, AUX panels, bulk material, junction boxes, earthing system, cabling, and wiring
- Installation and Supervisory of instrumentation, control panels, analyzer packages, metering systems
- Instrument loop checking & calibration
- SAT (Site Acceptance Test)

Design and engineering instrumentation and system intergration
The attitude of Pala Control Company is towards designing various projects based on the knowledge and abilities of experienced professionals and by application of the latest technologies in order to optimized designs and attain highest possible quality and minimize implementation and instrumentation costs.
The company has concentrated its activities on the field of instrumentation, control and industrial automation. However, we are also experienced in and capable of providing services in other required engineering disciplines in projects.
By relying on the professional abilities of its experts and software and hardware infrastructures, the company is capable of providing engineering design services in the two main fields of engineering management and engineering design of projects.